Thursday 4 September 2014


This Post is not only about prejudice aimed towards me as a lesbian but also prejudice and preconceptions that I have.

"does your patents know" .... That's the kind of thing you ask someone when they are choosing to do something their parents would potentially disapprove of.

I recently started going to night classes in an attempt to get extra qualifications.  So I  have a new "class" friend who also happens to be gay.  The boy is young; only 19.  He seems like a sweet kid.  Last night I told him that I'll wait with him till his dad comes, so we sat in my car chatting for a while.  He told me about his ex and his friend etc.  And then I asked the question; ''does your parent's know that you're gay?"

It seems so unfair.  If I make a new straight friend one of the first questions that comes to mind isn't
Does your parent's know you're straight.  If I make a new black friend, there's no need to ask them if their family is ok with the fact that they are black.
We as gay people were also born this way, this is what is natural to us, this is who we are.  Yet people expect us to explain why we are gay.  "What happened in your life"? they ask,  "Why do you hate men";  I don't hate men, I just prefer not to have one in my bed.

I pass a sign everyday advertising a church that I think could be nice for my girlfriend and I to attend.  Because of the normal prejudice in churches I first emailed the church asking if a gay couple would be accepted at their church.  It saddens me that it is necessary for me to have to ask if my girlfriend and I would be welcome in The House Of The Lord.   
My partner and I are at a stage where we feel the need to go to church.  On the other hand I feel that leaders of churches and the congregation sometimes forget why they are there and use Sunday service as a gossiping party.  I am used to being open about my feelings towards my partner, and I am not up to the stares and whispers of church members that goes along with going to church, so I just stay away, pray at home and sing along to the praise and worship music in my car.  I am not ashamed of Loving God and I am not ashamed to openly show the world my relationship with Him is amazing.   I am also not ashamed of the fact that I'm gay and to me it is only natural to show affection towards my girlfriend all the time.  But for some reason being a PROUD LESBIAN FOLLOWER OF CHRIST just doesn't sit right with most other followers of Christ.

I will see if I get a reply on my email, I sincerely hope this church will prove my own prejudice about churches in general wrong.

Judy Carter (Actress, Motivational Speaker and Comedian) once said  
“It's a lot easier being black than gay. At least if you're black you don't have to tell your parents.”

We are people.  Being Gay is normal to us.  Deal with it.

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